New Shop Phone Number, Call or TEXT!!!!

Hey All,Some exciting and way overdue news:We have a new Temporary Des Moines New Age Shop phone number , 515-561-4250 !!!!!

(due to all of the phone issues w our current provider, everything else is going great buuuuuut the phone stuff needs help. So until we can get it straightened out, new phone service)

*Annnnnnnd I decided that since I was gonna havta do a change ,I should make it an upgrade too!!!We can now accept TEXTS on the shop phone!!!!! Im super excited.

**** Im not a phone talker , much more texter. So for anyone who is in the same boat, you can just text us!!!! Woot!!!*****

-Dennis is having alot of fun with this feature lols!!

I took alittle time to do my research on different phone services before making my decision, the phone craziness has been going on (off and on) for a while now, and I feel this one is a good pick.

We will see how it turns out, either way…..IM EXCITED!!!

#desmoinesnewageshop #newshopphone #newphoneservice #temporaryphonenumber #textavailable #superhappy