Daily Tarot Pull- 6 jumper cards- All pentacles!?!?!?

Hey All,

Today ( Thursday Nov. 10th) We have 6?!?! Jumper cards- ALL PENTACLES!! (And yes I shuffled really well lols)!
*I am pulling from my new deck- the Pink Tarot.

Im not even gonna try and write this down, please watch the video 🙂

Link to video reading below:


My spiderweb pendant and Anubis earrings in the video are from a local business called Terre Vici. She is super nice and has great stuff and good prices. she will also be at our Dec. (3rd & 4th) #desmoinesnewageandpsychicfair out at the IA state fairgrounds.

#desmoinesnewageshop #tarot #tarotreading #metaphysicalshop