Weekly Guidance from the Shop!

This week’s spread

Hi All,
Weekly Guidance spread brought to you by #desmoinesnewageshop!
*I am using one of my favorite decks for readings, the Goddess guidance cards.
They take alittle work to get to know- but are well worth it!
This looks to be an interesting week, if Ya’ll need guidance or advice – we have some awesome readers on staff at the Shop ALL WEEK!

Crystals to help for the week: #rosequartz , #pinkcalcite , #blackonyx , #bluecalcite , #greencalcite

  1. Vesta(Home)-Reversed- There is a great deal of change coming in our personal sphere, Home- friends- family-etc. Some leaving, some coming in. Its always tough when change comes down the pike, but its alittle rougher when its close to home.
  2. Oonagh(Easy does it)-Reversed- Ease into the coming changes, consider your moves and your words carefully, and remember THERE IS ALWAYS A THIRD WAY! If you feel you are being put in an “either/or” situation….withdraw and find the 3rd option that will work better for you.
  3. Damara(Guiding Children)-Upright- a good deal of past baggage & wounds are going to be on the horizon. Be patient & very gentle with yourself and everyone else. Take many mental , Emotional, Spiritual & Physical breaks. Resting isnt “doing nothing”, it is healing!

Shadowcard: Aphrodite(Inner Goddess)-Upright- Following our Hearts and doing what makes us feel best on a soul level is what has driven this time of personal change. So in the end it is all for the best, Have faith!

And since this looks like a heavyduty self care week, I pulled 3 cards frm my My Quality Time deck by Deja Osbourne(LOVE THESE CARDS) ,to put a fine point on what we can do to have our best week.
Focus,Meditate, Reach out- all Reversed!
Which means: Quit pushing yourself to do the things that you think you should for your -Spiritual-Mental-Emotional-Physical health, get alittle zoned out- lose abit of that hard driving focus, and take care of you before helping others- if that means binging netflix & shutting of your phone, so be it!

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