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The Psychic RoundTable: Shadow Work & SO MUCH MORE!!!


Hey Folks,

This Thursday on the #psychicroundtable (8:30pm ish) we will be speaking on the topic of Shadowwork.

*Shadow work: Delving deeply into yourself, your mind, spirit, and energy to find the parts of yourself that you feel are negative, and unwanted, the parts of yourself that you repress or cannot accept. Also, dealing with any trauma, emotional wounds, and such. It is a vital part of any spiritual journey. Many of the people that I speak with find it confusing, so I decided to bring on some experts �

*this show went wildly off topic ( again lols) in the best way!! We hopped topics from hex breaking to freezer spells to name warding to house protection to crossroads and so much more! - Thanks Nico!

Joining us for this panel will be:

Earl Williams- Pagan radio show host & events coordinator, longtime #Pagan

Thor- #mystical researcher & #psychicvampire

Chrissy Dunham- High Priestess, Pagan event coordinator, #activist, #Cabot with/LA Vecchia #Witch

Wade MacMorrighan- Pagan #Author & #Gardenarian Dedicant

Nico O'Neill- Folk Magic practitioner & Witch

*With Nicole & Spiral Healing Energies- Antoinette #reikimaster in the comments!




Ste. 212 3800 Merle Hay Rd., Des Moines IA 50310


T: (515) 561-4250

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