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Psychic Roundtable:Akashic Records


Hey All,

This Thursday on the #psychicroundtable (8:30pm ish) we will be speaking in the topic of Akashic records !

The Akashic Records (known by different names in different traditions) are a compendium of all knowledge and experiences that have happened since the beginning.

*Each soul has its own "File" of sorts that we can go back and read through- quite the expereinece and one that a person needs to be in a very open minded headspace to experience.

One of the more noted Psychics to access these records regularly being Americas sleeping prophet- Edgar Cayce.

Certain transcendental meditation tradions teach you to access these records.

We will also be discussing alittle about how dark energies can use pictures,paintings and such as doorways and gateways to travel through.

Joining us will be:

Thor- Mystical Researcher

Symone- Willowtree readings- #tarotreading

Wade Macmorrighan- #Pagan writer & #gardenarian Dedicant

And possibly:

Matt- DPART- #paranormal Investigator

Yumi- Ancient Connections- #psychicreading

*Along with both Nicole & Spiral Healing Energies in the comments as they have almost no voice from being under the weather.*

*Also lets all wish Destini of Sunshine Oracle lots of healing vibes- poor girl is super sick!




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