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Alicia's Desk: Interview with Theater Genesis Productions Dennis McCullough


Hey All,

Tonight we are chatting with Dennis McCullough of Theater Genesis Production company.

He is participating in the 48HR film challenge on July 28th and has agreed to sit down with us to chat a bit about his team and his goals for the production company!

The 48HR Film challenge only happens once a year, although they promoters recently launched their 48HR Horror film challenge which comes out around Halloween and has been incredibly popular, and this year I am going to be on the writing team so I'm super excited!!!

*This episode will livestream on #desmoinesnewageshop FB & Youtube, but will be on Alicia's Desk Youtube & Spotify Channels as its permanent Home!

Alicia's Desk Spotify Channel Link:



Ste. 212 3800 Merle Hay Rd., Des Moines IA 50310


T: (515) 561-4250

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