New Blended Clearing Smudge bundles at the Shop!!!!!!!

Fresh in:
We have been getting some requests for different blended #smudging bundles and so (and since sourcing a Regular, Stable, decent priced, Good Quality wholesale vendor is neigh impossible for us) we have started making some blended bundles #inhouse at #desmoinesnewageshop , and to be Honest we love making products anyways lols !!!!

We are have 2 different varieties currently,
*Cleanse & Bless (Sweetgrass & White Sage) – for cleansing negative energy and bringing blessings & Good luck to you

*Positively Cleansing (Palo Santo , Sweetgrass, White Sage)
For Cleansing Negative energy, bringing blessings & good luck to you & filling your life with Peace and Positive energy

We will be adding new Blends soon, stay tuned 🙂

#palosanto #sweetgrass #whitesage #sage #cleansing #clearing #goodbyenegativeenergy #smudging #inhousemade #inhouseproducts #happyentrepreneur #energywork